The Second series of the October/November WAEC/GCE Exam will kick start in October and we’re happy to let you know that the West Africa Examination Council (WAEC) has published the timetable for the exam.
• Interested candidates may copy the official WAEC/GCE schedule from the table below.
• The exam will begin on Monday, October 31, 2022, and end on December 15, 2022.
• Candidates who want to print the schedule can do so using the printable version (pdf).
Date Of WAEC GCE Exam
The 2022 WAEC GCE Timetable indicates that the exam will begin on Monday, October 31, 2022, and end on Thursday, December 15, 2022.
• Time difference between the exam and the schedule
The duration listed on the question paper should be used when it differs from the duration listed on the timetable.
• Questionnaires will be distributed prior to the dates on which they will be administered.
Two weeks before the due date for the Visual Art 3 Paper 3A, supervisors will receive instructions.
Question papers for Paper 3B will be distributed to candidates two weeks before the exam.
• Paper 3 on General Knowledge in the Arts
Candidates will receive the General Knowledge-In-Art 3 question paper two weeks prior to the exam’s scheduled date.
Read also about Timetable For Junior WAEC 2022 or about NECO 2021 Timetable
Candidates will receive the Block Laying, Bricklaying, and Concrete Works 3 (Practical) question paper three days prior to the exam.

Project Work Documents
Candidates will get the project work question papers two weeks before the exam for the following subjects: basketry, graphic design, leatherwork, ceramics, sculpture, picture making, textiles, and jewelry.
Candidates will be informed of the precise day when the question papers will be delivered.
Extra time for candidates who are blind, deaf, or dumb
Applicants who are blind, deaf, or dumb should be given one and a half times as much time as other candidates.
You can also download the PDF File here
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