
JAMB iBass

All applicants can use the JAMB IBASS Course Eligibility Checker to see whether they are qualified for the courses they have selected or not. It helps candidates match the programs offered by an institution with their needs.

If you want to confirm that you are eligible to apply for a course or tertiary institution in Nigeria, you may also look through the JAMB booklet.

Before moving further, applicants who wanted to switch courses or institutions had to confirm that they were eligible for the new institution’s course offerings.

Utilizing this tool also gives you the opportunity to assess your prospects of being accepted into specific programs and schools based on your O’ Level/A Level results and UTME Subject Combinations.

Choose from a Variety of Categories on the JAMB IBASS Course Eligibility Checker

• Mode of Entry

 • Institution Type

 • Institution Category

 • Institution

• Program

• O’level Optional: Choose your O-level Passes (D7-E8), then choose your O-level Credit (A1-C6): For those who wrote A levels, choose your A’level Credit and A’level Passes. Additionally, choose your UTME Subject Combination.

Read also about Jamb Registration Amount

Jamb Ibass Course Eligibility Checker: Use Instructions

The instructions below will help you figure out whether you qualify for the course or not by using the JAMB IBASS Course Eligibility Checker.

Please use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome for easy access.

1. Access the JAMB website here: https://eligibility.jamb.gov.ng/checker

2. After the page loads, select “CHECK COURSE ELIGIBILITY” at the top of the dashboard from among the various icons that appear.

3. Wait for the website to properly load; you will then notice “PAGE LOADED.”

4. Under Mode of Entry, choose UTME and University – Degree Awarding, Polytechnic: ND, or College – NCE are the available institution types.

5. The category of choice. Similar to public, private, and polytechnic universities. Choose the category you desire.

6. Decide on a college. the institution of your choice

7. Choose a course that you are interested in.

8. Category for O-Level Selection: Fill out the form as directed and enter your O- or A-level information.

This system should be used by candidates to determine whether they are qualified for the course or not. This will assist you in selecting the appropriate course that fits your O-levels. Please be sure you are eligible for the course before making any changes.

I hope I was able to assist you and offer you with instructions for using the interactive brochure and syllabus system (JAMB IBASS).






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