Do you want to Check your Jamb registration slip? You must read this tutorial to learn how to easily check it right away.
If you carefully examine the jamb slip you received from the certified center, you will see that the date and time of the exam are not reflected there. You shouldn’t be alarmed about this since Jamb has not yet allocated you to a center.
Check when the Jamb will start sending out the exam location, date, and time before you reprint your slip.

How To Check Your 2023 Jamb Registration Slip
• Use Jamb to quickly log into your profile. You must first sign in to to do that.
• You must enter both the password for your Jamb profile and the email address you created in the accredited center in the spaces given.
•As soon as your profile is open, carefully search for “Re-Print Your Slip” and click on it.
•You will be given an area to type in your Jamb registration number.
•You should be able to see your JAMB slip by this point. You have the option of printing it or simply viewing it.
A Simple Step To Re-Print The Jamb Slip For 2023
You don’t need to worry about that if the procedure we just described above is too demanding for you to follow.
You shouldn’t concern yourself with the fact that the procedure we just mentioned above is too demanding for you to follow.
• Select from the drop-down menu.
• The URL provided above provides rapid access to your 2021–2022 Jamb registration slip.
Read also about How To Print JAMB Slip or about JAMB Registration 2022/2023
• Nevertheless, you will still need to provide your password and email address.
To access your jamb slip, you must currently click on “Print Examination Slip.”
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