You can check your jamb slip with choice of institution in 2023 in just 2mins with the help of this article.
Many Nigerian Students are having challenges when it comes to checking their jamb slip with choice of institution.
So we decided to write this detailed article on how you can check your 2021 jamb slip, 2022 jamb slip with choice of institution in less than 2mins.
While we proceed, jamb is a must entrance examination for every student in Nigeria.
This is why it’s paramount for student to always wanna check their jamb slip with choice of institution, or change of institution depending on the or your case.
Furthermore, this article can be of help to many student who are yet to write the jamb exams for 2023.
For getting acquitted with articles like this among others would give you the right know how on how to go about it when it’s your own turn
You can always go to the JAMB sheet that lists the institutions you choose when registering to be reminded of your selections.
Keep it secure since you’ll need it if you decide to alter your institution of choice on the JAMB website.
As a jambite, there are many things you should understand about the JAMB slip that includes your institution of choice. To learn more, continue reading.
The institutions you choose in JAMB are listed on the slip. If you haven’t registered yet, you’ll get what you need right away.
Did you lose the slip somewhere? Fear not, you may easily download it from the JAMB website.
Continue reading to learn the instructions.
You may also like the article on how to check Original Jamb Result or about Jamb Regularization Portal
How Many Options Are Available In The JAMB?
Many JAMB applicants are unaware of the maximum number of universities they may select, and those who are aware often do not know the proper ranking.
Even before you sign up for JAMB, you should be aware of this.
In the JAMB, there are only four (4) options available.
• A federal institution, a state or private university, or a polytechnic can be your top pick.
Your second choice should be a state or private university, a polytechnic, or a college of education because most federal universities in Nigeria no longer accept second choices.
• Your third option can be a polytechnic or a college of education.
• The fourth option is only accessible for creative businesses.
Note that the Innovative Enterprise Institute (IEI) typically only grants course certificates, not diplomas, bachelor’s degrees, or NCEs. You can learn a variety of trades, practical skills, enterprises, and professions at IEI.
Contrary to popular assumption, you can choose any institution as your first choice. Additionally, polytechnics, colleges of education, universities, and creative enterprise institutes are only a few of the options.
If you lack intellectual aptitude, you might not even select a university.
Do you believe you might succeed as a teacher? Or is your course only offered at polytechnic colleges? Then, as your first, second, or third option, you can select a polytechnic or a college of education.

How can I check the institution I chose for the JAMB?
Have you forgotten the institutions you chose for JAMB? Or did you lose the slip somewhere? There is nothing to worry about.
By logging into your Caps on your JAMB account, you may quickly check the institutions that you have selected for JAMB.
To access your caps on the JAMB portal, follow these steps:
1. Visit the facility/login session on the JAMB website.
2. Use your JAMB email and password to access your dashboard.
3. On your dashboard, find “Check Admission Status” and click on it.
4. Permit loading.
5. Click “Access My CAPS”.
Note: To access the site from a desktop or smartphone, click the menu icon (a three-dot menu icon) in the top right corner of your device, select “desktop site,” and then wait for the page to reload. Use Chrome as well for a successful outcome.
• Check the left side of your screen after successfully logging in, scroll down to find, and select, the “My Choices” tab.
•Your course and institution selections’ specifics will be instantly presented.
For your registration slip, log into your registered email and you’ll find that JAMB sent a pdf file called “Registration slip” to your inbox. This file contains all the information on the institutions and courses you selected when you registered.
How Can I Print My JAMB Slip With My Institution Of Choice?
For reference, you should print the registration form.
Please connect your device to a printer, check that the printer has paper in it, open the registration slip, select “Print” from the menu, select the printer you want to print from, and then select “Print” once again.
Your registration slip is present, yes.
• Your home is without a printer?
You can print it for a reasonable price by going to the nearby cybercafé. A copy will spare you future anxiety.
How Do I Check The JAMB Portal To See If My Institution Has Changed?
You can opt to alter your JAMB institution selection for one reason or another. To do that, you can quickly go to the local JAMB CBT center.
Usually, it takes a day or two for your new institution to take effect.
How can you ascertain whether your institution’s change has been reflected?
You can easily check your JAMB institution selection again on the JAMB webpage.
Just stick to the same steps:
1. Visit the efacility/login session on the JAMB website.
2. Use your JAMB email and password to access your dashboard.
3. On your dashboard, find “Check Admission Status” and click on it.
4. Permit loading.
5. Click “Access My CAPS”.
6. Check the left side of your screen after successfully logging in, scroll down to find, and select, the “My Choices” tab.
7. Information about the schools and courses you select will be instantly shown.
We hope with this article, you can now check your jamb slip with choice of institution anytime and any day.
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